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Latest press releases

Forbes [FR] | RetinAI, quand l’Intelligence Artificielle détecte et prévient les maladies ophtalmologiques

"Sandro De Zanet, Stefanos Apostolopoulos et Carlos Ciller se sont rencontrés à l’université de Berne où ils faisaient leur doctorat de recherche en traitement d’images, imagerie médicale et machine learning en ophtalmologie…"

AGEFI [FR] | L’examen ophtalmologique facilité par l’intelligence artificielle de RetinAI (FR)

"Nous ne visons pas à remplacer les ophtalmologues. Nous cherchons à rendre leurs tâches et leurs décisions plus aisées», affirme Carlos Ciller, CEO et cofondateur de RetinAI..."

BILAN [FR] | RetinAI soigne les yeux avec l’intelligence artificielle (FR)

" S’il est un domaine où l’intelligence artificielle a fait ses preuves récemment, c’est bien dans la reconnaissance d’images, y compris médicales, pour l’aide au diagnostic... "

Unternehmer Zeitung - UZ [DE]

An der letzten Session des Jahres in Lausanne haben RetinAI und Skypull das Finale von Venture Kick gewonnen und sich damit je 130'000 Franken gesichert (DE)

Latest updates

RetinAI at MICCAI'18 Labels [SEPTEMBER’18]

RetinAI participated in this year's edition of the annual International Conference on Medical Image Computing & Computer Assisted (MICCAI) in Granada, Spain, held on September 16-20.This year was the first time we sponsored the Large-Scale Annotation of Biomedical data and Expert Label Synthesis (LABELS) workshop at the event, offering a price to the winner of the competition for the best paper: 'Deep Learning Retinal Vessel Segmentation From a Single Annotated Example: An Application of Cyclic Generative Adversarial Neural Networks' by Praneeth Sadda, John A. Onofrey, and Xenophon Papademetris.

RetinAI at the NVIDIA Inception Awards [SEPTEMBER’18]

RetinAI is honoured to be one of the 10 selected projects to attend the GTC Europe Inception Awards NVIDIA, taking place in Munich between 9-11th October 2018. Hundreds of applications, 70 teams in the pitching semi-finals and only 10 teams in the final. Next step will be to compete live at the GTC to get a chance to win $100.000 and a NVIDIA DGX Workstation!

18th Euretina Congress [SEPTEMBER’18]

Our team members travelled to the European Society of Retina Specialists (EURETINA) in Vienna, 20-23 September, to present our latest products to make eye hospitals more efficient using Artificial Intelligence (AI). Stay tuned if you want to learn more about how AI is going to change the life of many eye care professionals in the near future.

AGEFI - RetinAI [JULY'18]

RetinAI is honoured to appear in the first page of AGEFI this 5th of July! Another opportunity to highlight how advanced machine learning and artificial intelligence are changing the world of ophthalmic care for the benefit of the patient and healthcare systems worldwide.

Contact us for more informations! We are happy to hear from you!